Jessica Burke
Research Assistant
Jessica Burke is a research assistant in the CP-Life Research Centre at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences since March 2023. Jessica’s first degree was a Bachelor of Arts joint honours in psychology and English studies which she completed at University of Galway in 2017. Jessica also completed an MSc in Clinical neuroscience at University of Galway in 2019. Following this Jessica studied a Master of Arts in psychology at University of Limerick and completed her degree in 2020.
Jessica has experience of leading and contributing to research in cerebral palsy (CP). As part of her MA in Psychology, she examined the relationship between cerebral palsy, coping strategies and meaning presence. Jessica is currently collaborating with Dr. Kimberly Smith at the University of Surrey on a project examining stigma in adults with CP funded by the Leverhulme Trust. She is also collaborating with Dr. Jennifer Ryan at RCSI where she is a co-investigator on a project examining the prevalence and experiences of psychopathology and mental health disorders in children and adolescents with CP in Ireland, funded by the Health Research Board and Health Research Charities Ireland.
Jessica is currently working as a Research Assistant contributing to the development of a Clinical Practice Guideline for the Medical Care of Adults with CP. She is a member of a Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) panel for research examining transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people with CP. Jessica, co-produced resources to support transition, and identified recommendations for practice and policy to improve the experience of transition. She also participates in international groups and conferences such as the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine’s special interest group on ageing to discuss the physical and mental health challenges of adults with CP with researchers and physicians worldwide.