Ignition 2: Developing a programme to support transition to adult health services
Our research demonstrated that transition from child to adult health services is poorly managed for young people with childhood-onset physical disability in Ireland. Young people and parents identified the need for a professionally-led programme that improves transition for young people with childhood-onset physical disability.
In Ignition 2, we will develop and test a transition programme to support young people with physical disability to transition to adult health services.
What are we doing?
A team of researchers, health professionals, young people with physical disability and parents will use a systematic framework called IM adapt to adapt an existing evidence-based transition programme. The team will ensure the programme is suitable for young people with physical disability in Ireland and can be delivered.
We are asking 20 young people and their parent to take part in the programme in order to see if it's possible to deliver the programme within children's disability services in Ireland. We will ask people who take part to complete some questionnaires to see if they feel more prepared to move to adult health services after the programme. We will also interview young people, parents and health professionals to explore what they think of the programme and how we can improve it.
We will make changes to the programme to improve it based on feedback from young people, parents and health professionals.
To find out more about taking part in the study, download an information leaflet
To find out more about the Ignition 2 transition programme, download a programme summary
The team
The research team includes collaborators from RCSI, the Central Remedial Clinic, Enable Ireland, UCD, King’s College London, University of Sussex and Queen’s University Belfast.
The research team is:
Dr Jennifer Ryan, Dr Rory O’ Sullivan, Dr Jennifer Fortune, Dr Manjula Manikandan, Amanda Breen, Aoife Cooper, Dr Owen Hensey, Dr Claire Kerr, Sebastian Koppe, Professor Thilo Kroll, Dr Grace Lavelle, Dr Jane Leonard, Dr Faith Matcham, Dr Aisling Walsh, Michael Walsh.
Ignition 2 is funded by an Applied Partnership Award from the Health Research Board with co-funding from the Central Remedial Clinic.