On Tuesday, 29 October 2024, Dr Ailish Malone presented on behalf of Dr Jenny Fortune, Dr Jennifer Ryan and the wider CP-Life team at the Smart D8 2024 Showcase Event at NCAD (National College of Art and Design). The Showcase featured presentations from pilot projects funded by Smart D8 in 2024. We are delighted that the  AIM (Access Information Map) – CP-Life Research Centre project was one of the funded projects and are grateful to Smart D8 for this funding. 

The AIM project will develop an online directory of health services and supports for people with disabilities, enabling people with disabilities and service providers to identify and provide information about services including accessibility, availability, and expertise. By utilising crowdsourcing, the website will empower disabled people and their supporters to share knowledge within the community, overcoming challenges to timely and targeted sharing of information. 

The Showcase Event provided us an opportunity to share our development work, including the stakeholder engagement workshop on 11 September 2024 and our next steps in developing the web-based application. The stakeholder engagement workshop involved people with lived experience, researchers, and designers.  As captured in this video, it was a vibrant and productive day.  

If you’d like to get involved in the Access Information Map, please contact us at cplifecentre@rcsi.ie.